Hogwarts Legacy review
WANDS UP The best game in Harry Potter history, but a hard one to be excited about.
WANDS UP The best game in Harry Potter history, but a hard one to be excited about.
SEEING RED A deeply personal story told against a grand sci-fi backdrop.
Overseasoned Narration disturbs Season's attempts at tranquility.
Fretbored An impressive, beat-based action game that loses most of its impact by the end.
Cacophany Power Chord’s lame metalhead aesthetic cheapens a cool card game.
Industrial action There's fun to be had here for ruthless CEOs, but it quickly runs out of steam.
Snorespoken Forspoken could have been excellent if it tried a little harder.
AW CHEESE A non-stop, absurd, and wonderful slice of speedrunning action
Dead good A definitive remake and promising precedent for Dead Space's future.
Keep in Contact Sport A narrative game with a few bruises.
Deep down Ever wondered what adventure games were like in the ‘70s?
Head trip Persona 3 Portable creeps along, but it's still top-class.
Cruisy An easygoing JRPG that's the equivalent of an anime filler arc.
SwimCity Build and manage a city at the bottom of the sea.
Shut up Squanch Games' sci-fi shooter is a yammering mess of mediocrity.
rebirth World of Warcraft: Dragonflight is a promising new foundation for a very old MMO.
State of Derelixion Humanity’s survival prospects look dire in in this colony builder.
Fast and loose The venerable racer returns, in zoomer regalia.