Bungie announces major crackdown on third-party peripheral cheaters, bans incoming
news There can be legitimate accessibility uses, but there are also players gaining some very unfair advantages in Destiny 2.
news There can be legitimate accessibility uses, but there are also players gaining some very unfair advantages in Destiny 2.
A little lost Find out where the next exotic farm is.
news Players will be able to decode exotic engrams into the exact gear they want from next season.
NEWS The Final God of Pain took a huge L at the hands of a single guardian with more patience and skill than most of us could ever dream of.
news Bungie paid tribute to Reddick, who died last week at age 60, in its latest update.
Vexing Use the Vexcalibur glaive to unlock these hidden chests.
PSA Players have been begging to goth up their gear since forever, but Bungie has been reluctant until now.
Toyed with Snag these weekly collectibles for the They're Not Dolls triumph.
NEWS The 3D-printed figurine is free to everyone, but its artist hopes players will donate to Reddick's charity of choice.
news Actor Lance Reddick, the voice of Commander Zavala in the Destiny games, died earlier today.
news Reddick was a noted character actor with numerous appearances in film, television, and games.
Clouded After the highs of The Witch Queen, Lightfall doesn't stick the landing.
Peak condition Buff your chance to grab this hybrid shotgun.
Troubleshoot From worrying Weasel to bothersome Baboon.
King Asher Dive into the Vex network to claim this exotic glaive.
news Any excuse to not play the game.
Street fight Unlock Neomuna's Strand guns with Terminal Overload keys.
News Who even cares what game they're for, more of these, please!
Night time Complete the latest Nightfall Strike to claim its unique gun.