Call of Duty dips into 'pay-to-win' with $12 bundle that gives you actual gameplay advantages
NEWS A new premium operator comes with special "DMZ boosts."
NEWS A new premium operator comes with special "DMZ boosts."
Crime time Complete the Cartel Investigation by killing them and taking their stuff.
Scavenger hunt Collect Scavenger calling cards and take down the new boss.
news Players broadly seem to be in favor of the Season 3 tweak, but are concerned about movement speed.
NEWS Season 3 is a big one for both Warzone 2 and Modern Warfare 2.
news Call of Duty's anti-cheat team has shared demonstrations of the cheater "mitigations" we learned about last year.
News Even though the TMNT baddie hasn't been known to rock guns.
Treasure hunt And what you might get for using them.
NEWS Celebrate the return of Resurgence on Ashika Island.
news Activision is teasing Warzone's next map with a satisfying sand render.
news Call of Duty: Modern Savefile
NEWS Infinity Ward is undoing key Warzone changes in a bid to win back players.
NEWS Activision is "making several changes" to Season 2 based on player feedback.
guide Season 1 is in full swing and two dominant guns have risen to the top of Call of Duty: Warzone 2's meta.
news We've had flying boats, time for falling choppers.
The GOTYs Question one: Where's the key? Question two: Gimme the key.
news What on earth is a Caserma Rhino, and why are people who only play campaign getting banned for multiplayer hacks?
Key facts And why you're having trouble finding it.
EXTRACT The state of extraction shooters at the end of 2022.